The CARE COURSE was prepared by two women who are mothers and professionals.

Diana Bonar

Diana Bonar, Peace Studies and Nonviolent
Communication Specialist and Director of Peaceflow, mother of 4-
year-old Maya. Diana is part of global women’s empowerment
networks, is a speaker and consultant to companies, government
agencies and NGOs.

Maíra Liguori

Maíra Liguori, journalist and publicist specializing in gender issues, Director of Impact at Think Olga and Think Eva. Mother of Tom and Nino.

Maíra received the Silver Lion award in Cannes (2021) for her work in NGOs, two-time winner of the UN Women WEPs award, and finalist for the Caboré Award (2021). Liguori is on the BBC 100 Women of the Year 2017 list.

This course is aimed at women who need to know the value of their time and their act of caring, and learn to set healthy limits to preserve their mental and emotional well-being

Through a learning trail composed of 2 modules, the course proposes to raise awareness about the

Care Economy and show
paths to healthy limits with Non-Violent Communication.

It’s free, you just need to sign up. And remember to call all your girlfriends!

Caring work involves many hours and time dedicated to taking care of the house and people: bathing and cooking, cleaning the house, buying food to be consumed, taking care of clothes (washing, hanging and storing), preventing diseases with good food and hygiene at home and remedy when someone gets or is sick, make breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner for the children, educate and follow for hours on end.

The care economy is essential for humanity. We all need care to exist. And, if today you are an adult, it is because someone has already performed hours of care work with food, vaccines, medicines, cleaning and hygiene, education, among several other functions for hours. And society, employers who hire people (see how obvious), public management, universities, all other spheres take advantage of this work that is free or poorly paid (when outsourced).

The impact on women’s lives is immense: it increases income inequalities, makes living conditions precarious in all areas and even causes stress, burnout, depression, among other health problems.


It is the women mothers who assume the obligation to entertain the children, take care of the routine, and even for those who work, fulfill the hours worked.


All of this has a huge impact on this woman's career path and access to income. Busy with the “invisible”, she is deprived of the time and resources necessary to conquer her financial autonomy, remaining trapped in a cycle of exploitation.

Any healthy relationship needs boundaries. They teach each other how you like to be treated. We can only communicate what bothers us and show our self-preservation limits to the other, when we know what they are. The first step on this journey is to be more clear about what these limits are, to then notice the signs that they are being violated, to know how to communicate them assertively and empathetically.

This project is the result of the work of the GSMP network,
sponsored by the Center for Sport, Peace and Society, University of
Tennessee and the US Department of State.


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